Travel Baseball
The 12U Peachtree Ridge Lions American travel team participated in the Cooperstown Dreams Park tournament in Cooperstown, New York the week of July 6th-July 12th. 96 teams from throughout the country were selected to participate in this illustrious tournament. The Lions team finished with a 6-3 record, going 3 rounds deep in bracket play. Among the Lions victories were key wins against the State Champions from Mississippi and Virginia, both ranked in the top 3 prior to playing the Lions.
The Lions players and coaches resided in the Cooperstown Dreampark “Players Village” along with the other teams and umpires. The players had a great time trading pins with the other teams, umpires, and staff members. On Tuesday, the team visited the Baseball Hall of Fame. In addition, each player and coach was inducted into the American Youth Baseball Hall of Fame.
The Lions players consist of Alex Boyd, Josh Brickell, Cooper Burdick, Gregory Burkell, Cody Foisie, Casey Harrison, Tyler Haswell, Brett McCurry, Brady Shoppe, Chris Wagner, and Stephen Zacharias. The Lions are managed by Tim Burdick, and assistant coaches John Brickell, Tom Burkell, and Todd Harrison.
This 12U Lions were the first team from Peachtree Ridge to compete in Cooperstown.<